
It's a GREAT day to be a Cardinal!

Crisis Letter

December 17, 2012

To all parents of Stewartsville C-2 Students:

In light of the recent events we want to take a few minutes to assure you that we take student safety very seriously.  We have plans in place for various emergency situations, including fire, tornado, and intruder, and have periodic drills for different emergencies.  It is our goal to have the students and staff prepared to act accordingly should an emergency situation arise.  We have been in contact with a trained law enforcement professional who will add to the training already in place regarding an Active Shooter on Campus.  We will also provide this training to any of our substitute teachers wishing to be involved.

While we have not had any issues regarding student safety at Stewartsville C-2, we want to be proactive and do as much as we can to create a safe learning environment for all the students.  As a part of our ongoing efforts to maintain student safety we continue to expect all visitors to the building stop and sign in at the Superintendent’s Office as a visitor and receive a visitor badge.  This allows us to quickly identify any person in the building that has not been given visitor clearance.

All exterior doors of the building will be locked throughout the day with the exception of the main entry on the south side of the building.  All of our primary exit doors are equipped with crash bars which will allow us to lock the doors from the outside but exit the building should an emergency arise.  Parents picking up their children at the end of the day will be required to remain in the cafeteria until their children come to them.

Student drop off and pick up should be done at the main entrance on the south side of the school building.  The circle drive on the north side of the building is for bus loading and unloading only and will be marked with signs indicating the bus loading and unloading.  The door on the north side of the building will be locked as soon as the last bus arrives and unloads each morning.

Talking to your children about what happened on Friday is difficult for all parents.  Below there are some resources that have been provided to the school that we would like to share with you.  If you do not have internet access and would like printouts of these documents please contact the school.  Mrs. Whitmer is also prepared to help students who may have questions about Friday’s tragedy. 

The Missouri Department of Mental Health has offered the following resources:
·         Talking to Children about School Shootings: From the American Psychological Association
·         The National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement:  A Parent Guide
·         The National Child Traumatic Stress Network resources for crisis situations:  for schools:
·         Psychological First Aid:  Parent Tips for Helping School Aged Children after Disasters provides information about reactions, responses and examples of things to do and say:
·         The Missouri Department of Mental Health Fact Sheets for Coping for schools, adults and children:

We want all parents to feel welcome at the school; however, student safety is our primary responsibility.  We understand that some safety measures create an inconvenience but we want to take all necessary steps to assure student safety.  We appreciate your understanding and support as we protect and care for the students attending Stewartsville C-2 Schools.

As always, should you have any questions or wish to discuss this further, do not hesitate to contact me, Mr. Gagnon, or Mrs. Whitmer.


Tony Perry
Superintendent of Schools